Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Current Event

Washington versus New Orleans
Robert Griffin III made his NFL debut on 9-8-12 as the quarterback of the Washington Redskins. They were playing New Orleans and they were expected to be dominated by them. It looked as if Robert Griffin III’s debut was going to be a rough one. Surprisingly he made an amazing debut. He completed 19 out of the 26 passes he threw with no interceptions which is amazing. He had a total of 320 yards passing and and 42 yards running by the end of the game. Growing up Robert Griffin was an amazing track start. His 40 yard dash times were amazing. He won a Heisman trophy and there is no doubt he is a true athlete. But in this article I think they are paying too much attention to just Robert. They refer to him as the “savior” but it takes more than just one person to win a game. If it wasn't for the other players he wouldn't have done good because they wouldn't have been there to catch the ball. I believe he is a great player but they gave him all the credit in which he didn't earn. He got the credit that the whole team earned. But besides that Griffin III done a great job and i’m sure all the fanes of Washington including me are very happy to see them have a good team and do a great job for the first time in a long time


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