Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Something that happened in class.

In forensics we had to do a project about crime scene investigation. Everyone in the class got a penny. We had to sketch out or penny. Then we drew out what made our penny unique. For my penny it had a red line above the n on the side that said one. So on my sketch I drew that because I knew it would help me identify which penny was mine when put next to everyone elses penny.. Then next day we came to class our teacher took us outside and lined all of our pennies up side by side and we had to find which one was our. This is where our drawings become helpful. I used my drawing to set my penny aside from the other one but without my paper I would have never found it. This showed us how important it was for investigators to collect evidence. Without evidence it makes it hard to figure out what happened. Also the human mind forgets things so you have to take notes and evidence if you want to remember stuff. I barely remember what my penny looked like after one night and most trials can take up a to year or more to take place. I've learned a lot in that class about how forensics work. It is a very interesting class plus we get to watch CSI. I wish i could take this class all year but unfortunately I can not because I have to take biology but the good thing is that it is with the same teacher. Mrs. Nixon is my favorite teacher she is really nice and she is a great teacher and i look forward to her class every day..


  1. Forensics sounds like a fascinating and useful class! Did you find your penny?

  2. I never found my penny because my sketch wasn't detailed enough.
